
Cuellar: Open minded on border funding, but firmly against wall

Only one Texas Democrat has been tasked with helping develop a deal to secure the border.



SAN ANTONIO (Texas News Radio) — Only one Texas Democrat has been tasked with helping develop a deal to secure the border.

That would be Laredo Rep. Henry Cuellar.

The Democrat stated on CNN Wednesday he would have an open mind during negotiations on most topics, except for one: border wall funding.

Cuellar repeated a common stance held by many Washington politicians that the wall is a medieval era solution to the current issues along the border.

The commission — which includes 17 members of Congress, including Fort Worth Rep. Kay Granger, a Republican — has until February 15th to come to a deal. If it fails, it risks the federal government slipping into another shutdown.

The president tweeted Wednesday if there is no discussion on a wall or physical barrier, the committee will be wasting its time.


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