SAN ANTONIO (Texas News Radio) — Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has no plans to sell the team.
But if he did, he said he’d only sell it for $10 billion.
“If I had to sell the team tomorrow I wouldn’t accept anything less than $10 billion. But, I don’t want to imply that I would take $10 billion for them,” Jones told Bloomberg. “The Cowboys are just not for sale.”
The owner said he considers the team to be a long-term asset and will remain with the family after he dies.
“I don’t say $10 billion just to say a ridiculous number. I just think you really have to go on what people would pay,” Jones said. “I don’t want to say at least $10 billion but I certainly think you can justify a $10 billion value, but economically I’d rather have the Cowboys than the $10 billion.”
Bloomberg said it values the team at $4 billion.