
Back to school safety tips for kids and drivers

It is back to school time in Texas, which means drivers need to be mindful of little pedestrians around school buses and school zones.



SAN ANTONIO (Texas News Radio) — It is back to school time in Texas, which means drivers need to be mindful of little pedestrians around school buses and school zones.

AAA Texas says 13 percent of children across the country walk or bike to school and afternoons are particularly dangerous for kids.

Over the past decade, about one-third of child pedestrian fatalities happened between 3 and 7 p.m., and teen pedestrian death rates are twice that of younger children.

In Texas, TxDOT says many towns have seen an increase in the number of distracted driving crashes from 2016 to 2017.

“Every distracted driving death and injury is preventable. Drivers must exercise good judgment in and around school zones and be extra cautious as young children may cross roadways unexpectedly,” said AAA Texas spokesperson Daniel Armbruster. “Drivers should obey all posted speed limits, pay extra attention around school zones and never drive distracted. Parents also play a vital role in protecting students by reviewing traffic safety rules with them before school begins and throughout the year.”

AAA Texas is asking drivers and parents to slow down and eliminate distractions behind the wheel.  It also suggests you talk to your kids about safety and your teens about driving safely.

Parents are being asked to ask their kids to get to their destination before calling people, texting or gaming while walking.  AAA Texas also recommends parents remind their kids to remove headphones while walking and watch for cars when crossing a street.


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