
Texas cities among best to drive in, WalletHub says

Texas isn’t a bad place to own a car.



SAN ANTONIO (Texas News Radio) — Texas isn’t a bad place to own a car.

In fact, of the 100 largest U.S. cities ranked by WalletHub, every Texas city was among the top half.

The best city in the state for drivers was Corpus Christi, ranking second-best overall.  It got high marks for low cost of ownership and maintenance, safety, and was ranked #1 for traffic and infrastructure.

The worst Texas city in the rankings was Houston, which was 46th overall.  Houston was second-best for access to vehicles and maintenance, but performed poorly in traffic/infrastructure and safety rankings.

The five best cities in the nation are Raleigh, Corpus Christi, Orlando, Greensboro, and Plano.

The five worst cities overall are Detroit, San Francisco, Oakland, Philadelphia, and Seattle.

Texas city rankings

2. Corpus Christi
5. Plano
8. El Paso
13. Arlington
14. Austin
16. Fort Worth
17. Laredo
29. Lubbock
36. Dallas
37. Irving
40. Garland
43. San Antonio
46. Houston

Source: WalletHub


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