San Antonio

Edith McAllister has passed away at the age of 100



SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) – Funeral services are set for local philanthropist and civic leader Edith McAllister who passed away Sunday at the age of 100.

“Edith McAlliser was a trailblazer, whose philanthropy and civic activism made San Antonio the world at large a better place,” said Mayor Ron Nirenberg. Her influence would be difficult to overstate. Her family is in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.”

She was married to the late Walter McAllister Jr.. Her father-in-law, Walter McAllister Sr., served as mayor of San Antonio from 1961 to 1971. McAllister Freeway and McAllister Park were named for him.

Edith McAllister served on numerous boards and committees and loved ballroom dancing. She was one of the founders of the Southwest School of Art and was the first woman to serve as campaign chair of United Way .

A service is set for 4 pm Monday, July 9, at First Presbyterian Church.

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