SAN ANTONIO (KTSA News) — The Comal ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve a resolution to file for a contested case hearing regarding a proposed Vulcan Quarry off of FM 3009.
A group against the planned quarry, Stop 3009 Vulcan Quarry, said trustees stated the quarry was very much a concern.
“This is quite different in the fact that it’s being dropped in the middle—in the heart—of the community,” school board president Cody Muller reportedly stated in the meeting. “Requesting the contested case hearing allows us the opportunity to ask the right questions regarding safety, security, and health impacts that could be a potential effect to our school district and our campuses.”
The board failed to pass a resolution to oppose the quarry in a 3-3 vote back in December.
The latest resolution directs administrators to file for a contested case hearing with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
Sabrina Houser-Amaya, who is with Stop 3009 Vulcan Quarry, told KTSA News her group is working with other nearby cities like Garden Ridge and Spring Branch to oppose the quarry.
She said her effort has not gotten much support from the City of New Braunfels and the Comal County Commissioners Court.
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