CONVERSE (KTSA NEWS)- Teachers and staff in the Judson Independent School District won’t be getting a pay raise, but they will get some extra money this year. The board of trustees has approved a $248.4 million budget, which includes $1.8 million for a retention incentive for employees.
“A retention incentive is a one-time payout to employees to show our appreciation for the hard work they’ve been displaying over the past year,” said Steve Linscomb, Director of Communications for JISD.
A hiring freeze continues on vacant positions, primarily non-teaching jobs, as district officials try to save as many positions as possible.
“We were able to cut the budget and still save jobs,” said Linscomb.
The budget includes a $9.5 million shortfall, which Linscomb says will be addressed through the district’s fund balance or savings account and other funding sources.
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